Makpa Health Post and Birthing Center
D2N's fifth health post and birthing center (HPBC) is in Makpa. The new HPBC (see different building phases below) replaced a single floor, four-room structure made of mud and stone that provided basic health care (see above picture.)
Prior to the new HPBC being built, the 3000 residents of Makpa had to travel (often on foot) to distant health institutions. Furthermore, during the monsoon (up to six months a year) season many of the roads out of Makpa many of the roads are impassable. The new facility provides free primary medical care to the community, antenatal care and attended deliveries by Skilled Birthing Attendants for mothers, vaccinations, family planning and medicines.
The land for the health post and birthing center was donated by the community. Clearing the land was completed prior to the COVID-19 lockdown in March and actual construction started in September 2020. The building was completed and dedicated in a public ceremony in Fall 2021.