Community Health Fair, Summer 2019
Together, families from Avalon Village/Mama Shu’s Hood Camp and Building Better Men and surrounding community members toured the SAY Detroit Family Clinic as well as Buckets of Rain’s gardens across the street. WNUC’s broadcast from the event featured Patricia Wells, the clinic’s nurse practitioner and Drs Making a House Call Dr. Charfoos. Free youth physicals and blood-pressure screenings were available at the clinic as well as vouchers for mammograms. A bbq lunch was held in the gardens and participants left with packbacks filled with school supplies and a ‘free prescription for vegetable’ bag filled with vegetables from the garden.
Overseen by Mama Shu, a contest was held to draw pictures that illustrate the collaboration of Buckets of Rain, S.A.Y. Detroit Family Health Clinic, Avalon Village and WNUC. The winning drawings are featured on the 'free prescription for vegetable/clinic to farm to table' bags used for Buckets of Rain produce. Participants were from two local high schools, George Washington Carver Academy and Highland Park Renaissance Academy. The two winners were Rakirah Banford and Kris Anthony Abdul-Hameen. All drawings were hung at S.A.Y. Clinic during the Health Fair.