Buckets of Rain
Buckets of Rain (BoR) is a nonprofit that assists communities where access to fresh food is limited. It’s main goal is provide fresh food, but their efforts also help to reduce urban blight through their gardens. Although BoR dismantled its raised bed garden on Glendale Avenue in Highland Park in Spring 2021, its legacy lives on in Highland Park.
More than 350 of their raised beds were moved to Parker Village and Avalon Village, where they will continue to provide fresh produce for Highland Park residents and continue the Clinic to Farm to Table program at the S.A.Y. Detroit Family Health Clinic.
Developed by BoR, the Clinic to Farm to Table program enables doctors to write free “prescriptions” for patients with diet-related health issues such as diabetes, obesity or hypertension. These patients then receive six weeks' worth of the recommended vegetables at no cost.
When the fresh food prescription is out of refills, the patient can return to the clinic for a visit and receive additional refills of the prescription for her vegetables. Doctors monitor participants and look for positive changes in their health based on an improved diet.
Click here for a short news story on the program.