Partners Detroit
Building Better Men
The Building Better Men (BBM) was started in 1991 by Odis Bellinger and founded on the principle that young men can be successful despite challenges associated with absent fathers. Their goal is to enable young men to become productive members of society. BBM receives an annual grant to support their programs.
Figure Skating in Detroit
Figure Skating in Detroit, uses figure skating as a platform to teach academic, social and leadership skills to young women. D2N supports their programs.
Black Leaders Detroit
Black Leaders Detroit and D2N share a common mission – to provide financial support for diverse social and community impact projects.
Avalon Village
Avalon Village is a self-sustaining eco village in Highland Park. This unique community-building project is restoring hope, inspiration, and much-needed city services to a forgotten, underserved neighborhood. Avalon Village has received a grant to help finish their Homework House and receives annual grants to fund their Hood Camp and Music Camp programs. Avalon Village is a key member of the Highland Park Community Crisis Coalition.
Rock Companies
Rock Companies has always been integral to D2N. They funded the Rock Companies/Beaumont Children’s Fair at the Birmingham Bike Festival in 2013 and 2014. They were a sponsor for Over The Edge Detroit 2015 and 2016 and they currently support our efforts in Detroit.
Michigan Healthcare Professionals (MHP)
An early supporter of D2N, MHP, a physician-led and administered organization is an integral part of the Female Community Health Volunteer Program. In addition, MHP funded COVID Relief efforts in Nepal as well as the Alex Graham Medical Clinic/Rakha Health Post in Nepal, their physicians donate time and supplies to the S.A.Y. Detroit Family Health Clinic and they were instrumental in the opening of the mobile, walk-up COVID-19 testing site at the SAY Detroit Family Health Clinic
S.A.Y. Detroit Charities
S.A.Y. Detroit Charities was founded by Mitch Albom to address the needs of Detroit's most underserved citizens through food, shelter, medical care, education and volunteer efforts. S.A.Y. Detroit is the umbrella organization for S.A.Y. Detroit Family Health Clinic and S.A.Y. Play Center. D2N has a partnership with both organizations.
Sierra Club
Detroit Inspiring Connections Outdoors (ICO) is a community outreach program of the Sierra Club that offers wilderness experiences and environmental education, working mainly with the Fauver-Martin Boys & Girls Club in Highland Park.
Detroit Outdoors
Detroit Outdoors, a collaborative of the Sierra Club, Detroit Parks and Recreation, and the YMCA of Metro Detroit, connects Detroit youth with nature right inside their own city. D2N provided donated outdoor clothing and gear for the gear library.
Team Alex
D2N and Team Alex both celebrate the memory of Alex Graham, an incredible young woman who believed she could repair the world one smile at a time. Alex was a patient at Beaumont Children’s Hospital who lost her leg and ultimately her life to cancer.
At 17, a month before she died, Alex was able to participate in the making of a Public Service Announcement which was the wish she was granted by the Make A Wish Foundation of Michigan. Her message was as simple as it was important: “We’re just kids like you, so the next time you see someone who has cancer or looks a little different, try a smile, we could use it.”
The ‘Miles4Alex’ event at the Birmingham Bike Festival embodied this spirit. The bike parade included children from the local community, children from the Pediatric Rehabilitation Department at William Beaumont Hospital riding their new custom-fit adaptive bikes, as well as children and families associated with the Long Term Follow-Up Clinic at William Beaumont Hospital.
Captained by Beth Brandvain, Team Alex is comprised of over 150 bikers who participate in the Make-A-Wish Bike Ride every summer. Team Alex members are strong supporters of D2N; not only do they fundraise, but provide numerous volunteers in all D2N’s efforts. When Buckets of Rain lost their corporate volunteers in the summer of 2020 during the COVID-19 crisis many Team Alex members stepped in to do the spring planting and summer harvesting. In Spring 2021 more than 40 of their members helped Parker Village prepare for Bucket of Rain's raised beds. In both 2022 and 2023 members participated in volunteer days at Brilliant Detroit houses.
Alex’s legacy: courage, strength, and the ability to put other’s needs ahead of her own now lives on in Nepal in the Kopila Valley Bike Club and the Rakha Health Post and Birthing Center. Although she passed away at 17, Alex still has the ability to inspire all of us to do better.
Wayne State University
Wayne State University School of Medicine's students are an integral part of the Community Health Program.
D2N's collaborative efforts in Highland Park provided a integrated learning opportunity for students from Wayne State University's Department of Family Medicine & Public Health Sciences at WSU School of Medicine. In Fall 2019 a multidisciplinary group of MHP students worked under the auspices of D2N to identify barriers to primary care access, social support and food security in Highland Park.
Brilliant Detroit
Brilliant Detroit is dedicated to building kid success families and neighborhoods where families with children 0-8 have what they need to be school ready, healthy and stable. They, along with their 12 community houses, were an integral part of D2N's Community Health Program.
Buckets of Rain
Buckets of Rain is a nonprofit that assists communities where access to fresh food is limited. Their main goal is provide fresh food, but they also reduce urban blight through their gardens. Buckets of Rain received an annual grant for their 'Clinic to Farm to Table' Program.
HPC3 - Highland Park Community Crisis Coalition
The Highland Park Community Crisis Coalition's mission is to deliver social, economic and ecological justice to Highland Parkers through moments of crisis and beyond. They formed initially to provide immediate needs and economic relief to Highland Parkers impacted by the COVID-19 crisis but aim to become a long-term source of dommunity resilience for Highland Parkers. The founding organizations of HPC3 are Avalon Village, Buckets of Rain, Parker Village and Soulardarity.
Original Mother's International
Original Mother's International (OMI) is the parent organization for Detroit's Brown Moms, a moms helping moms program whose members rely on each other for support and resources. The women share clothing, furniture, food, supplies and knowledge. Twice weekly free virtual classes provide education, exercise, guidance and necessary skills needed to raise children in today’s world. D2N provided donated clothing, financial resources and administrative support.
Parker Village
Parker Village is a social enterprise & Community Resource center located in a smart neighborhood that is being built in Highland Park. Parker Village is a key member of the Highland Park Community Crisis Coalition.
Soulardarity is building a brighter future in Highland Park with education, organizing, and people-powered clean energy. They are working to install solar-powered streetlights, save money on energy bills, and work together with neighboring communities to build a just and equitable energy system for all. D2N partnered with Soulardarity to put a solar-powered streetlight on Avalon Street. Soulardarity is a key member of the Highland Park Community Crisis Coalition.
Quicken Loans/Bedrock
Quicken Loans/Bedrock provided infrastructure and support for the inaugural Over The Edge Detroit in 2015. In addition to providing infrastructure, they were the lead sponsor for Over The Edge Detroit 2016.
North End Woodward Community Coalition/WNUC 96.7 FM
Operated by the North End Woodward Community Coalition (NEWCC,) WNUC 96.7 FM, Detroit’s only community radio station, embodies the fact that even in the digital age, radio remains relevant. This is especially true in neighborhoods where internet access is limited. NEWCC/WNUC received a grant to help it go on the air in May 2017. Created and sponsored by D2N in 2018-2019, Drs Making a House Call featured Dr. Debbie Charfoos interviewing physicians about various health issues.
Cody Rouge Community Action Alliance
The Cody Rouge Community Action Alliance (CRCAA) is a non-profit organization that serves the Cody Rouge community and is charged with promoting the goals and purposes of area residents, businesses and organizations. D2N partnered with CRCAA in ’Project No Stand Zone.’
Central Detroit Christian Community Development Corporation
Central Detroit Christian Community Development Corporation (CDC) is a non-profit, faith-based organization committed to empowering people and creating positive opportunities. CDC received a grant to repair and restore two pocket parks in Piety Hill.
American Cycle and Fitness (ACF)
Our partnership with ACF started at the Birmingham Bike Festival. Participants at the BBF were encouraged to donate their unused bikes and helmets through ACF, who then distributed the bikes to youth programs Detroit. This program morphed into a program that, in 2015, donated hundreds of bikes to The Hub/Back Alley Bikes for their youth programs.
Birmingham Bike Festival (BBF)
Thanks to their director and founder, the late Jeff Surnow, D2N partnered with the BBF in 2012-2014. This event gave D2N the platform to raise awareness for the needs of children, whether they live in the Detroit area or in rural mountain villages of Nepal.
Beaumont Health System
Beaumont partnered with D2N through the Miracle Fund at Beaumont Children’s Hospital. Funds raised through the Birmingham Bike Festival were donated to the Pediatric Oncology Department (Long Term Follow-Up Clinic) and the Pediatric Rehabilitation Department’s custom adaptive bike program (“Bike Day”). Beaumont also sponsored the Rock Companies/Beaumont Children’s Fair at the Birmingham Bike Festival in 2013 and 2014.
Recipient of funds from the 2015 Over The Edge Detroit, DAPCEP (Detroit Area Pre-College Engineering Program) provides STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) programs to under-served children in the Detroit area.
Promise Schools
The recipient of Over The Edge Detroit 2016, Promise Schools (formerly American Promise Schools,) a non-profit school management group focused on transforming struggling urban schools into high-performing schools, and helping good schools become great.